Every breath hurt
His heart wanted to
It had spent years in a
futile search
Better to give up and
It had lost out in an
overpopulated society
It relayed its final
communication to the brain
Goodbye best friend as of
this moment I cease to exist and through me so will you.
The brain did what it does
best, it thought
For years it was occupied
with the most routine tasks ever
Akin to using a fully tricked
out Alien ware machine only to surf the Internet
It hated it's job
Screw this the brain thought,
I'll get a better job
It relayed its final
An extensive system of nerves
carried the messages to all parts of the body
When the penis received it's
signal, it was in a conundrum
On one hand it's master was
jerking it off
The latest episode of Naughty
America was clearly audible
On the other hand the brain,
which rarely communicated with it had demanded it to shut off.
In all its years of service
never had it shut off before time
So as the body began to go
into shock
The penis continued to fight
In this battle he was alone
but in the war it always won
This would be no different,
it thought
And then it came...
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